News Archive

TAKE NOTICE THAT in accordance with Rule 12 of the Constitution of the Nedlands Golf Club Inc (the club).  I convene a meeting of the Club’s members at the following date, time and place for the purpose of considering and if thought fit passing with or without amendment the following resolution. Date:              22nd September 2022 […]

The WA Blind Golf Association (WABGA) is hosting the following major events: WABGA WA Open – Monday 12, Tuesday 13 September BGA Australian Open – Thursday 15 and Friday 16 September The WABGA would greatly appreciate volunteers to caddie for visiting interstate golfers. Please contact our pro-shop if you are available to assist on any […]

After the wintery, unpleasant conditions of 2021, a cool but fine day greeted the 30 pairs on Sunday 28th August to compete in the Club Foursomes Championship over eighteen holes, with the Gross winners being presented with the R. L. Newman Tray and the Nett winners also recognised with the Nett Championship Trophy. The Club […]

Please remember that your house account will expire at the end of September. This is only applicable to the original levy, any top ups will not expire.

12:30 PM Shotgun, Sunday 28 August Sponsored By Ian Macdonald The men’s Foursomes Championship, sponsored by past-president Ian Macdonald, will be played on Sunday 28 August and the event is open to male members with 18 hole playing rights. Foursomes is played in pairs with each player teeing off on alternate holes and playing alternate […]

The Winter Cup was first played in 1938 and was one of the first Perpetual Trophies played for at the club. The trophy was presented to the club by Dunkley’s Diamond House and has been played for every year (bar one) since its inception. 2022 marks the eighty third playing of the Winter Cup and […]

Wednesday AM field competition is cancelled due to course clean up after the storm. Wednesday PM field competition will be decided by 11.00am. Any volunteers that would like to come down in the morning to help would be greatly appreciated.

Saturday, the 30th July saw the playing of the 69th President’s Cup which was first played in 1942. There were 85 players trying to win this year’s event. No doubt the forecast was the reason for a lot of “Fair Weather” golfers not playing and who could blame them as the morning was wet, windy […]

The Final Round of the 2022 Men’s Pennant season was played on Sunday with mixed results for the two Nedlands Teams. Before getting on to the results a special mention must be made of the sponsors of this year’s pennant teams – COOPER and LOURIE and ERTECH. Thankyou to Aiden Cooper from Cooper and Lourie […]

On Saturday 16th July, 96 players played in the inaugural Neil Watson Tray – an 18-hole stableford event. After long and outstanding service to the club the Committee agreed to have Neil’s name etched in perpetuity on a silver tray presented to the club by his good friend Ron Birmingham, who also sponsored the day. […]