Members Articles

Friday 19th May 2023 $85 per person

For the most part, the 2022 Nedlands Challenge Cup match play competition went off smoothly on both sides of the draw. As in the previous year John Holt took some heavy scalps including Shane Maloney and Damon Watkins, with the likes of Ben Cullinan, Gus Elliot, past winners Scott Van Heurck and Greg Polla, each […]

There will be a sign up sheet in the pro-shop from today, calling for interest in the 2023 Matchplay Challenge. Please add your name if you’d like to be included, the field will be limited to 64 entrants at $20.  Further information will be publicised soon including the Conditions of play and applicable dates.   

As members we all have our part to play in the care and maintenance of the course be it repairing divots, pitch marks and ensuring buggy and cart traffic avoid wet areas.  The current focus is on pitch marks and how long they take to repair. A well repaired mark will be unnoticeable within days […]

The annual Orphans of Burma Charity Golf Day for 2023 took place on Friday 24th March on a cloudy but warm morning with over 68 players taking part on our twelfth anniversary The scores were very competitive and low , with eventual winners Steven and Patricia Noske scoring 67.50. This was an fantastic result which makes […]

On Saturday many Club members were present to witness Club legend Lou De Verteuil be duly recognised for his long term contribution to the Nedlands GC. President Damon Watkins outlined Lou’s history with the following notation: At 96 years old, his passion for the sport and his community is truly inspiring and he is a […]

Over the weekend of the 11th and 12th March the MELVISTA CUP was played on Saturday and the MIXED OPENING DAY event on Sunday. Both days saw fantastic Autumn weather with temperatures in the mid to high 20’s. MELVISTA CUP In the early 1930’s Melvista Avenue was known as Mackay Road up to Dalkeith Road […]

Please note the Casual Dinner on the 17th March has been amended to a Pizza Dinner

As a result of the efforts of Club member, Ian MacDonald, we now have some very smart bunker rake holders deployed across the course. The aim of these holders is to set the position of bunker rakes so that they are always resting in the same place and to have the rake head suspended off […]

The 42nd NEDLANDS JUNIOR MASTERS was played on Sunday March 5 and Monday March 6, attracting a talented field of 50 boys and 28 girls from around the state. The history of the Nedlands Junior Masters has been well documented and the names of two new winners will be added to the Honour Board in […]