News: Review of Handicap Grades for Wednesday and Saturday Competitions
Published on 6th February 2021 in Members
Following a review of the breakdown of Handicaps used in determining the Grades for Wednesday and Saturday Competitions, it has been decided there will be new and separate Grade parameters for Wednesday and Saturday Competitions.
The major change is in “C” Grade where previously on Wednesdays “C” Grade comprised around 25.7% of the field (26 Players out of 101) and on Saturdays this dropped to 12.2% (12 Players out of 98).
The following sets out the changes-;
“A” GRADE +4-13 +4-12 0-14
“B”GRADE 14-21 13-20 15-24
“C”GRADE 22-36 21-36 25-36
The Leaderboards on the Club Website for Wednesday and Saturday competitions will now display Leaderboards for individual Grades as well as an overall Leaderboard.
A further review will be undertaken at the end of April.
FEBRUARY 5, 2021
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