COVID 19 Golf Management Update
27 March 2020
Based on the latest WA Government directive, this notice is to inform you of the suspension of all competition and social golf with the exception of:
- Members may play golf by themselves.
- Two people that normally reside at the same premises can play golf together.
We will continue to make the course available and we ask members to:
- Use the on-line booking sheets before play to assist us to manage course access;
- Play a maximum of two balls if practicing shots and please repair divots and pitch marks;
- Please display your bag tag to assist our volunteer course marshals who will continue to patrol the golf course; and
- Please understand and be helpful with our volunteer course marshals as they will not recognise all members and so may approach you for confirmation of your membership.
Background to This Decision
On 25 March 2020 the WA Government issued the Preventative Restriction of Activities Directions to prohibit certain activities in order to prevent, control or abate the serious public health risk presented by COVID-19.
At the time of issuing our previous Golf Management Update (26 March) neither Golf WA nor our Committee were aware of these Directions and we are now taking action to comply.
As a consequence of these Directions “a person must refrain from undertaking or engaging in an affected activity”.
And an affected activity includes:
- A gathering of two or more people, who do not ordinarily reside at the same premises, for the purpose of participating in a sporting activity together.
It is an offense for a person to fail, without reasonable excuse, to comply with this direction with fines of up to $20,000 for individuals and $100,000 for bodies corporate.
Please refer to the following website and the listed document for full information:
Course Availability
The Committee encourages members to come down and take advantage of the availability of the course. The course is in fantastic condition and playing a few holes by yourself or with housemates is still a great option for exercise and to enjoy the outdoors.
We will continue to issue Golf Management Updates as the situation changes.
The Committee
Nedlands Golf Club
26 March 2020