21st August 2024

Dear Members,

Outcomes of the Special General Meeting

Last night we held the Special General Meeting to vote on the proposal for the changes from the Category review, and I wanted to update everyone on the outcome of this.

Thank you to those members that spoke passionately, both for, and against the proposal. A total of 193 votes (that must be a club record!) were cast on the night. The results were

  • 117 cast in favour (61%)
  • 76 cast against (39%)

Given we have a 75% threshold for SGM’s the resolution was defeated, which means the current proposal will not go ahead.

Given the amount of work that went into developing the proposal I am disappointed we couldn’t make our case, so I hope you don’t mind me making some personal observations before laying the matter to rest.

It is always easy to find reasons to say ‘no’. I am a passionate believer that leadership requires taking a stand, moving forward and trying to make things better. Progress comes from taking bold steps-even when it is uncomfortable, and we shouldn’t let the fear of imperfection keep us from acting. If we never say ‘yes’ to change, we’ll be forever stuck exactly where we are. So, my disappointment stems from the fact that we couldn’t bring everyone along with us. We will try harder next time!

The Committee will now take some time to reflect on the outcome from the vote and consider what if any further changes we may want to recommend, but “the people have spoken” and we respect that.

I want to thank Gary for his tireless efforts in bringing this proposal to the members for their consideration.

Damon Watkins

Your suitable chastened President…..for now.