The photo shows a divot pattern 60m out from the sixth green. It is most likely this divot pattern, of at least 14 shots, was made by someone practicing on the course. And if it was, here are 4 reasons why this is not acceptable:
- It shows a lack of respect for those who care for our course: our staff; our volunteers; and, Members who do the right thing.
- It ignores our policy of chopping in divots – which applies both in the rough and on the fairway.
- It is against our policy limiting on-course practice to a maximum of two balls.
- It is difficult to imagine that a person leaving these divots would have then gone on to fix all of their pitch marks on the 6th green.
This, unfortunately, is not an isolated incident. Please do the right thing so that we don’t have to invest time and effort dealing with complaints and then pursuing and penalising those that don’t.
Match Committee & Course Committee
May 2022