Last Thursday a large Spotted White Gum on the left hand side of the 5th/14th Hole just in from the bunker at the 150 Metre Mark was removed as it was considered to be a danger to Members, Staff and Members of the Public.

Before taking this action, advice was provided from the arborist contractor that the tree was in a dangerous state – growing at a 45 Degree angle, extremely heavy and the trunk was creaking. All of this indicated that it was only a matter of time before it fell. NOTE – Two trees in the same vicinity, growing at various angles are considered safe at the moment but their progress will be monitored.

It was therefore decided to be proactive, that the tree be removed and replaced with a number of Red Flowering Gums when they become available in early May.

Members can be assured any decision to remove a tree on the course is regretted and a decision not taken lightly. Other measures are pursued before such removal is considered. Pruning trees, reshaping trees, and controlled spraying are examples of what is undertaken to not only provide healthy vegetation on the course but are priorities to provide a safe environment for Members and others using the course.