From it’s  humble beginnings in 2012 when it was hard to convince members to play in support of orphans struck by cyclone ‘NARGIS’ in Burma 34 players turned up to play in the inaugural a two ball Ambrose charity competition.  

I would like to thank Jim Claffey, Ian Macdonald and Gavin Furness for their support and help particularly in the early years to get this event off the ground and running.

As the years went by the event became very popular and some members started to help by doing more than just playing golf and I must call out  Tim Tan and Aseem Bahri who have been to Burma on several occasions to perform dental work  for the orphans for which they cannot be thanked enough. Their presence has made a significant difference to the people and children in Burma

Of course these charity golf days are not possible without the Nedlands Golf Club Committee members and I must express my appreciation to  (Ladies first) Jill Morgan, Marg Doyle, Rhonda Moore and Carolyn Browne and Greg Paddon, Stewart Wharton, Wilfred Ong and of course  Melissa and the wonderful bar staff.

There is so much to celebrate and so many people to thank over the years so with this being the 10th Anniversary of holding the Burmese Charity Golf Day I would like to  celebrate the occasion by having a Burmese Buffet dinner which I hope you will support and join with us in celebrating the anniversary.

Thank you members again for all your help and support in the last ten years.


Joe Alexander