One of the newest mixed majors in the golfing calendar the Millennium Cup for 2020 was played on Sunday 2nd August again proudly sponsored by Furness and Botello Families.
It should had been played earlier in the year but due Covid 19 the event was put back until this month.
The format was a mixed 4BBB PAR event with over 33 couples taking part which was fantastic and in fine weather conditions there were some very good scores.
Runners up were Tony Cowan & Krystyna Knottnerus on ten up from a count back from Nikki and Fred Wehr. In most years this score would be very competitive and well done to them.
The winning couple on the day was Bill and Vanessa Stephen who had a magnificent score of eleven up to land their first mixed major. So congratulations to them and to all the players that took part in the event.
As usual we thank John our chef for his outstanding supper after presentation and also to Melissa and the bar staff for looking after us.
On behalf of the club I would like to thank the Furness and Botello families for their generosity and continued support of the event, 15th year in a row, and also to Grace Furness for organizing a cake for birthday girl Janette Coni and I for one thoroughly enjoyed it.
Finally our ground staff Tony, Harry and Andrew I am running out of superlative words to describe how good the course was on Sunday, I am sure all the players will agree with me it was excellent – thanks again.
2020 Millennium Cup Prize List
Winners Bill and Vanessa Stephen with the sponsors Gavin Furness and George Bortello
Runners-Up Tony Cowan and Krystyna Knottnerus
Record Field for the event
Birthday girl Janette Coni and sponsor Grace Furness