With the easing of social gathering restrictions and the return to playing of golf in groups of four, the Committee has taken the decision to resume playing Club competitions.
From Saturday 2nd May the following weekly competitions will be played:
- Saturday – Men and Business Ladies, 18 holes
- Wednesday – Men, 18 holes
- Tuesday – Ladies, 9 and 18 holes
- Thursday – Ladies 9 and 18 holes
The tee sheet for Saturday 2nd May will open at 11:00 AM on Thursday 30th April.
Future tee sheets will continue to open at 11:00 AM, 6 days in advance – unless circumstances change.
Conditions for participation in the competitions are as follows:
- Payment for the competitions will be by deduction from your House account. Please ensure your House account has adequate funds and top up the account at the pro-shop or office if necessary.
- Players must adhere to the social gathering and social distancing Public Health Directions in force.
- Players must adhere to the NGC COVID-19 Regulations in effect on the course, practice areas and club house.
- Arrive no more than 15 minutes before your assigned tee time.
- Local Rules will be in place for:
- Ball in bunker – rakes are removed from the course and preferred lies will be permitted
- Score cards – Members will be permitted to mark and sign their own paper scorecard and should also record their “marker’s” score for verbal verification of scores at the end of rounds.
- Flag sticks – flag sticks are to remain in the hole at all times
- Hole Cups – inserts will remain in the holes
- The previous Local Rule allowing “Gimmies” will not be in play.
- There will be no presentations. Results will be posted on the website.
- Nearest the Pins and other competition novelties will not be used.
- Scorecards are to be placed in the box outside the pro shop at the end of the round. Staff will be responsible for entering scores in the score reader.
- The validity for the vouchers awarded as prizes in the competitions will be extended to 12 months.
- Scores will be submitted for Golf Australia handicapping.
NGC COVID-19 Regulations
- One person is allowed in the pro shop at any one time and use hand-sanitizer on entry.
- Ensure there is no gathering of more than 10 people on the forecourt area outside of the pro-shop – and if necessary, move away from the area.
- A maximum of 6 people on the practice putting green at any time.
- Only one person permitted per motorised cart. Cart availability will be on a priority needs basis. Each cart may have two bags to assist the other walking member.
- Ball washers and drink fountains are out of service.
- Hand Sanitizers will be placed at the entry to the Men’s and Ladies toilets. Please use the sanitizer before entry and on exit.
- Shower facilities are unavailable.
- Chairs in the downstairs patio and bar area will remain stored away.
- Buggy storage areas will remain closed – keypads, door handles, locks and door opening surfaces remain a significant risk for COVID-19 transmission. Leaving the buggy rooms open throughout the day is not an option as it will breach the insurance policy covering theft of Members’ equipment. This situation will continue to be reviewed.
- BYO alcohol is NOT permitted on the premises as per government regulations.
- Members, guests and staff who are feeling unwell with fever or flu-like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat, shortness of breath and fatigue should not come to the Club.
The Committee
29 April 2019