2 April 2020
We are very pleased to advise you that golf may now be played by 2 people – without the requirement for the 2 people to normally reside at the same premises.
As from today, Wednesday 2nd April, the restrictions for playing golf at Nedlands are:
- Social play will continue to be played
- Tee sheets will be open for 2 players per time slot
- Social distancing before, during and after golf is critical to the course remaining open
- The previously published NGC COVID-19 Player Advice and mitigation measures remain in force
- Until further notice the tee sheets are set up for 9 hole play to maximise player numbers and prevent any gathering of players at the cross over. Members may play another 9 holes ONLY if the 10th tee is vacant and a time slot is available. Please check with the pro shop prior to teeing off for a second nine.
- Tee sheets for rounds from Wednesday 8th April are currently locked and will be re-opened early next week.
- Members may bring a guest during off-peak times at member’s guest rate and the guest must be briefed on the current social distancing protocols set by the Club.
- Members may use the practice nets facilities provided they use their own golf balls.
- The pitching area in Vix Street is limited to 2 Members practising at any one time and the practise green is limited to 3 Members at any one time provided social distancing protocols are followed.
- Access to the storage facilities (below proshop, ladies’ buggy room and the carpark buggy shed) will be prohibited from 5.00 pm on Sunday 5th April 2020. Please collect your clubs and buggies if you intend to continue playing golf.
Background to this Change
- WA Government Revokes Limitations on Sporting Activity
On March 31, the WA Government revoked the Preventative Restriction of Activities Directions, 25 March and reissued Preventative Restriction of Activities Directions (No. 2).
The current version deletes the clause preventing a gathering of 2 or more people for the purpose of participating in a sporting activity together. This deleted clause was the reason for the playing of golf in WA being limited to 1 player per group. The full text of the revised Directions can be found here:
- Federal Cabinet Imposes Limits on Public Gatherings
The 2 person restrictions on the playing of golf is now set by the Limits on Public Gatherings for Coronavirus (COVID-19) imposed by the National Cabinet on 29 March.
These restrictions include a limit on outdoor non-essential gathering to 2 people whilst allowing people to go out for personal exercise in the neighbourhood, on your own or with one other.
- WA Government Imposes Prohibited Gatherings Directions
On 31 March, the WA Government issued the Prohibitive Gatherings Directions which includes the following definition of a Prohibited Gathering:
8(b) a gathering of two (2) or more persons in a single undivided indoor space or a single undivided outdoor space at the same time where there is not at least 4 square metres of space for each person at the gathering,
- Committee Decision
Whilst people are allowed to leave their homes for the purpose of exercise and whilst the game can be played in line with public health orders and social distancing regulations, we will continue to make the course available to Members.
Based on our experience of managing play and social distancing during the past week, we believe we can comply with the WA Government Prohibitive Gathering Directions whilst also relaxing the playing group restrictions to the National Limits on Public Gatherings for Coronavirus (COVID-19) i.e. 2 players per group.
We once again ask you to familiarise yourself with the measures being taken by the Club and to make your own assessment as to whether to play or when to play.
It is essential Members adhere to the public health orders and prevailing NGC regulations when on club premises.
The Committee
Nedlands Golf Club
2 April 2020