Date: Tuesday 3th December 2019
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Nedlands Golf Club
Present: 83 – As per Attendance Register
Apologies: 6 – As per Apologies Register
Proxies: 38 – As per Proxy forms received
Welcome President Tim Tan opened meeting at 7:02pm. All members were asked to sign attendance register and called for any apologies from the floor.
- Previous Minutes The President asked for a voting member in attendance at the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday December 4th 2018 to move that the minutes of the meeting be accepted as a true and accurate record of the proceedings.
MOVED: Paul Jenkins
SECONDED: Stuart Munro
It was noted there was no business arising from the minutes.
- Annual & Financial Report Annual report and financial report for the year ending September 30th 2019 taken as read. The President then asked for Finance Director (David Baster) to speak on the financials. D Baster noted a few items for those present:
- Thank you to Barry Markey and Wilfred Ong for their help throughout the year.
- Positive result for the end of year due to cost managing, purchasing as well as the increase in subscription fees.
MOVED: Greg Paddon
SECONDED: Stuart Munro
- Election of Office Bearers The President thanked Ian MacDonald for his 5 years of service to the Club and announced that the following nominee for the committee position was appointed unopposed:
Vice President Bryan Gardner
- Appointment of Auditor Keith Jackson to be appointed as auditor for this coming year.
MOVED: David Baster
- Special Business The President asked for Paul Jenkins to read his motion to the floor.
Tony Cowan seconded motion. Paul Jenkins addressed the floor. His personal notes are tabled in minutes as an attachment.
The President called for responses:
- Richard Young (6 day member) – Club needs to look to the future with gender terms. Website says that you need to be a “bloke” in relation to being a member.
- Bill Stephen (6 day member) – Club needs to think about risk management with having discrimination on gender.
- Steve Yovich (6 day member) – Does not see risk management as an issue.
- Jill Morgan (full member) speaks on behalf of the committee – Committee is unanimously against the motion. The current playing rights are as per the constitution and legally there is no discrimination.
The President asked for Paul Jenkins to address the floor for his closing remarks and asks members to vote.
- General Business The President asked for any general business from the floor.
- Bill Lloyd asked about the gross profit of the bar. Finance Director explained that due to a rebate from Lion Nathan last year and the sale of wines from the wine dinners at a much lower GP than normal reflects the GP for the year.
- Gordon Rich – As at the last AGM he asked the Captain to re-establish mixed competitions on Sunday. Men’s Captain Joe Alexander responded mentioning there will be sponsored Sunday events coming up and the Sunday 9 hole twilight has started. Gavin Furness as Men’s Captain last year expressed how hard it is to get members to play in the three mixed events on Sunday. Wilfred Ong (GM) from seeing the membership categories stated that 60% of new members prefer to play socially.
- Tony Morgan – Thanked the committee for their work for the year.
- Meeting Closed In closing the President thanked the committees and all volunteers. There being no further business from the floor, the President thanked the members for attending the 2019 Annual General Meeting and declared the meeting closed.
Meeting Closed 7:56pm