Last weekend the first of the four major 36 hole events on the men’s golfing calendar took place – the Summer Cup. The history of this event dates back to 1949 and is one of the oldest men’s events at this golf club. This year’s event was made possible with the continued support of the sponsor Phil Johnson Plumbing and a big thanks must go to Phil and Karina Johnson for their generous sponsorship.
The weather over the weekend lived up to the name of the event with temperatures in the mid-30s for both days play. Similarly, the golf on both days was somewhat sizzling with some great scores in the Par format including a +5 from both Jeff Lane and Damon Watkins to take the lead early at the end of the first round. Other good scores including Bryan Gardiner (+4), Zhiming Li (+4), Brett Thomson (+3), Michael Du Pont (+3) and Brian Stuart (+3).
In past 36 hole events a score of +5 over two days was considered highly competitive, but this year it was clear that it was going to be a low scoring affair and the winner would have to get close to double digits in the PAR format to hoist the trophy. This is in part due to the fantastic condition of the course currently and thanks must go to the Greenstaff (Tony McFadyean, Harry Traylen, Andrew Snow and Andrew Arrah) for their hard work in maintain the course to a high standard.
Scores on the second day were equally impressive with Men’s Captain Joe Alexander posting the best nett score on Sunday with a +5, this was followed by good scores from past winners Richard Pyett (+4) who won in 2001 and Dave Hogg (+4) who won in 2016. Paul Jenkins (+4) and Steven Noske (+4) also played fine golf in the second round. Other good golfing scores including Ian Macdonald (+3), Michael Du Pont (+3) and the two favourites from the end of the first round – Jeff Lane and Bryan Gardiner both backed up great Saturday rounds by posting +3 each on Sunday.
Despite his valiant weekend efforts, the great weekend scores of +5 and +3 by Jeff Lane edged out Bryan Gardiner’s claim to the trophy by a single shot. Making Jeff Lane our Summer Cup Champion for 2019 with a score of +8 over 36 holes. Congratulations to Jeff Lane for winning his first major trophy at Nedlands Golf Club and well done to our Summer Cup Runner-up Bryan Gardiner.
Thanks again to our sponsor Phil and Karina Johnson from Phil Johnson Plumbing.
The prize-sheet for the Summer Cup is and multi-round leaderboard for both days is available below:
Summer Cup 2019 Multi Round PAR
Summer Cup 2019 Multi Round Gross PAR